Date: 3/29/04
Starting Location: Icewater Spring Shelter
Destination: Cosby Knob Shelter
Miles: 20.3
Total Miles: 235.9
Started off in fog and mist today expecting rain, but we never got a drop as the clouds mixed with sun in the afternoon. Didn't have any view from Charlie's Bunion in the morning, but had some decent ones in the afternoon of the mountains on both sides of the trail (the trail is also the North Carolina/Tennessee border here). With limited views in the morning, it was easier to appreciate the incredible ecosystem that exists here in the Smokies—with more varieties of trees and shrubs than can be found in all of Europe. All that in this park surrounding me.
Today, Professor T and I dusted off our 20-mile shoes for the first time, and the ridge-walk from Icewater made the miles much easier. Hope to see this narrow and impressive stretch again in the future when there is nicer weather.