Date: 6/23/04
Starting Location: Ten Mile River Campsite
Destination: CT 341
Miles: 8.7
Total Miles: 1460.4
A short day heading into Kent, CT with Northern Harrier, Footloose, and Jan, who is heading home to New Jersey from Kent. A nice little quintessentially New England town, good food, and of course it's always nice to do laundry. Splitting a room tonight with Footloose and Harrier to relax a little and get some more rest. Lately, everyone seems to be feeling very worn down and shelter registers are filled with more and more pessimism and hikers talking about their "trail blues" and overall mental and physical weariness. Nearing the 1500-mile mark, the trail has apparently taken its toll on many of my fellow thru-hikers and friends. I've been feeling run down physically myself, but I'm just trying to keep eating so I don't start burning muscle instead of what little body fat I've got left! Very sad to hear that my very first AT hiking buddy Semicolon had gotten off the trail with shin splints and some terrible foot problems. Trying to digest it all over some drinks at the bar.