Date: 6/11/04
Starting Location: Wind Gap
Destination: Delaware Water Gap, PA
Miles: 15.6
Total Miles: 1287.8
It's all over folks. The streak of perfection has officially met its end today, and my hopes of making it the entire length of the trail without a single fall have come to a screeching halt. It took about 1250 trail miles for me to take my first crash landing and it was a good one. After mile upon mile of Pennsylvania rocks, it finally caught me on the very last day of trail in this state, not to mention on my 3-month trail anniversary. But, no major damage so I was up and running to the Water Gap for a night and to meet my sisters tomorrow.
Sadly, the town hostel is still closed for renovations and the post office was closed for Ronald Reagan's funeral so Amy, Rock Steady, and I were stuck wandering around town eating, catching some music at the local bar, and drinking coffee at the diner before retiring to our tents here on the lawn of the outfitter. It's great to finally be here on the cusp of New Jersey and the rest of New England.