Date: 7/19/04
Starting Location: Lonesome Lake Hut
Destination: Franconia Notch
Miles: 2.9
Total Miles: 1810.2
Today was a day that got shorter and shorter as the weather got worse. Waldo caught up with Footloose, Walk On, and I after our morning chores at the hut and we all hiked the couple easy miles to Franconia Notch where we hitched in to North Woodstock for a resupply. We all intended to continue on after the resupply, but wanting to have better weather on Franconia Ridge and wanting to put some space between us and the other hikers in front of us (so as not to fight each other for work-for-stay positions at the huts) eventually forced us into splitting a motel room in town. We all certainly had a lot of fun eating a couple of breakfasts, some ice cream, and of course watching Footloose be "moved to tears" by a particularly special Texas hot sauce slathered on our delicious pork bbq sandwiches at the Pig's Ear restaurant!