Date: 4/1/04
Starting Location: Roaring Fork Shelter
Destination: Hot Springs, NC
Miles: 14.9
Total Miles: 279.7
Knowing a warm town was only 15 miles away made it pretty easy for everyone to get in gear early this morning and boogie on down the trail to Hot Springs. A wintry stretch of trail this morning up and over Bluff Mt. through 3-6" of fresh snow in some places, but it was all downhill for the most part after that down into town. Saw the Wrens and Rainbow Bright, who we shared a snowy shelter with last night, and I spent most of the day with Professor T doing laundry, eating, and relaxing at the Duckett House where I'll be staying the night in a much appreciated actual bed. Hostels in town are all nearly full with all the hikers trying to make big miles to escape the wet and cold of the snowy mountaintops. Nothing like a hot shower to wash the day away.