Date: 4/24/04
Starting Location: Knot Maul Branch Shelter
Destination: Jenkins Shelter
Miles: 19
Total Miles: 576.8
Beautiful ridge and grassy top on Chestnut Knob, but it was a long climb to get there. Neat shelter on the summit with steel cables to hold the roof on in severe wind—makes you wonder what the wind is like up there sometimes. I guess it's a good thing this shelter is fully enclosed! Anyway, from there on it was a very hot rollercoaster ridgeline of PUDs (pointless ups and downs) under bright sun with no water for 7+ miles. Tough going for me since I need to guzzle so much water to stay hydrated and have the barest shred of comfort. Yes, that's right folks, you heard the secret. Heat is Mountain Man's kryptonite.
Nice gang packed in at the shelter tonight with Gear Guy, Gumby, Burning Boots and J-Bird. Even had 2 deer come up right near the shelter!