Date: 7/1/04
Starting Location: Cheshire, MA
Destination: MA 2
Miles: 14.5
Total Miles: 1586.6
I slept in this morning, but I'm way behind on sleep and this weekend's off-trail time at the wedding should hopefully help out on that. I felt awful and very tired when I started climbing up Mt. Greylock, but much better after taking a very long rest on a trailside rock.
I also saw yet another black bear on the way up, this one the largest I've seen on the trail so far, but as usual running at full speed directly away from me.
Had a nice rest break on the summit at Bascom Lodge, where I enjoyed a hamburger and hot dog lunch before heading down the mountain on a long descent into Williamstown. It's really great to get here and have a night's rest before Sarah comes to pick me up for the wedding tomorrow morning. Pitched my tent on the back lawn at the Mountain Goat outfitter in town and spent the rest of the evening relaxing in the river by my tent, doing laundry next door and chatting away into the night with the locals at the Water Street Grill directly across the street. I'm ready for a couple days off!