Date: 6/9/04
Starting Location: Allentown Hiking Club Shelter
Destination: Palmerton, PA
Miles: 17.7
Total Miles: 1251.8
A very hot and steamy day for walking with water few and far between. Fortunately, with a lighter pack and a lot of miles behind me, the heat bothererd me much less than normal and my need to drink tons of water is pretty well diminished. Lots more PA rocks today, but no rattlesnakes or copperheads yet again. Down into town here for a free night in the basement of the police hall with Rock Steady, Swiss Miss, Amy, and Jethro and Chief. A great place to stay in a very nice little town with everything I needed, including a free apple for all thru-hikers at the local IGA food store.
Awesome night out on the town with Amy, who I just met today. It's always nice to get free beer, which is what we were treated to by the locals at Mug Shots bar, where even if we had to pay, it would have only cost 50 cents for a draft—a special hiker rate. A really nice town to grab a shower and beat the heat for a night.