Date: 4/21/04
Starting Location: Trimpi Shelter
Destination: Partnership Shelter
Miles: 10.6
Total Miles: 532.3

Among all the days on the trail so far, this one was pretty unique. No great views or scenery, just a nice short walk surrounded by more and more signs of spring's awakening.
Sunny and hot all through this day's nature walk—felt like I was on a guided wildflower tour all day..except I was the guide. It's really been great to photograph these beautiful flowers and try to become somewhat of an amateur botanist. Here are some of my flora highlights of the day: blue violets (high in Vitamin C), downy yellow violets, birdsfoot violets, spring beauty, Carolina spring beauty, trout lily, false Solomon's seal, wood anemone, star chickweed; also fiddlehead ferns (which I learned are edible when closed, but poisonous when opened), eating wild chives (yummy!), and pulling up a bloodroot to see its bright red-orange natural dye (used for war paint, dying fabrics, and as an insect repellant by Native Americans). It was truly a day to enjoy nature and the coming of spring. Of course, all that is matched by reaching this equally beautiful and unique shelter—complete with a shower and a nearby phone to call in for pizza delivery! Gotta take advantage of that since full-service shelters like this definitely do not come along every day out here on the trail. Great to enjoy such a day with friends like Camel, Nails and Scarf.