Date: 4/28/04
Starting Location: Pearisburg, VA
Destination: Pearisburg, VA
Miles: 0
Total Miles: 630.8
Decided to take a full zero today to rest and ice my shin splint rather than run my town errands and get back on the trail. Seems to be a bit better today.
Most exciting is getting a free replacement pair of shoes in the mail from Tecnica since my original pair had a blowout. Also expecting a replacement sleeping bag from Mountainsmith, but it apparently isn't here yet.
By far the best part of the day was when a woman I met in the post office asked if I'd like to join her and her husband for a home-cooked meal at their house tonight! Yet another stranger opening their home to a hiker. Experiences like these have really restored a great deal of my faith in people. Wonderful to have a feast of pork tenderloin, yams, biscuits, wine and key lime pie (can you tell I dream of food about as much as the average 23-year-old thinks about sex??) with such nice people. Thanks so much to Robert and Jane Dalier!
Really great to chat with my buddies Sarah and Ian from back home tonight. I miss them both, and it was a great end to my day.