Date: 6/14/04
Starting Location: Brink Road Shelter
Destination: “The Secret Shelter"
Miles: 24.9
Total Miles: 1337.5

Another long day that unfortunately started with a nasty headache, something that thankfully happens very infrequently out here compared to home. I guess not enough sleep lately probably caught up with me. I finally caught up with Footloose again tonight, and had more trail magic today than any other day on the trail so far thanks to incredible trail angels like Desperado. I'm in for the night at an awesome thru-hiker only secret shelter here off the trail on the private land of a friendly former thru-hiker named Jim Murray. Complete with indoor and outdoor showers, a dish sink, running water and a sleeping loft, not to mention bunches of neat fireflies after dusk, it's a perfect place to spend the night.