Date: 4/19/04
Starting Location: Lost Mt. Shelter
Destination: Wise Shelter
Miles: 17.3
Total Miles: 501.7

Stunning scenery today. Long easy climb up to the bald area on Whitetop Mt. where Camel and I teamed up for most of the day. Incredible landscape that looked more like open highlands in Wyoming or Colorado—great expansive grassy areas today strewn with rocks. Perfect breeze also to cut the heat and sun a little bit. Highlights of the day were seeing wild ponies just feet away throughout Grayson Highlands, trail magic left by Ashley at the shelter, and petting another wild pony who came to visit us at the shelter—much neater than the 2 snakes I've seen so far! In tonight with Camel, Nails, and Dances with Scarf for the second night in a row. 4 people in a shelter makes for an awfully comfortable evening in great company.