Date: 11/3/20
Miles: 4.6
Total Miles: 2374.0
In less than 5 miles, there's only so much excitement that can happen. In the hours before taking even the first step of those 5 miles, we tossed and turned in our little home on the windswept and sun baked sands of the desert outside of Lordsburg. Like a prison spotlight, the moon had bathed even the small hours of the morning with a bright, white light. Although it would have been enough to navigate by in the dead of night, it was equally effective at conjuring insomnia.
When sunlight finally came to replace the moonlight, nearby Lordsburg hadn't magically moved. Cars and trucks zipped along Interstate 10 but from the doors of our tent, appeared to do so without making a sound.

Not two miles via trail, yet another shoulder of paved highway directed us into our final resupply stop of Lordsburg, or what we’ve taken to calling “The burg of lords”. (I like our name better). Passing conveniently by the town’s grocery stores, we checked off our list of town to-dos before settling in to the real prize of any town stop: a big breakfast with enough coffee to keep an army awake.
Bellies full, we shuffled the hundred yards across the street to the Econolodge, famous among hikers as both the first oasis for northbounders and the last for southbounders. Ray, the owner and a man of impressively few words, passed a small envelope across the counter to us upon check-in. Inside, a card of congratulations from our friends Beardoh & Sweet Pea:
Though not over yet, the end is nearer than ever before, and only one last afternoon and evening here separate us from the final stretch—a brief intermission before the final act.
Latitude/Longitude: 32.34015,-108.71463