Date: 4/10/04
Starting Location: Erwin, TN
Destination: Cherry Gap Shelter
Miles: 16.3
Total Miles: 364

Late start today, but was not going to miss the shuttle back to the trail 2 days in a row. Easy walking today, but it's the first time I've felt kinda down after leaving a town stop. I miss the friends I've made, and I hope they catch up after slackpacking from Miss Janet's today and spending Easter there tomorrow. Nice to see them all though when we crossed paths on the trail today—brought a smile to my face again. Beautiful views from the grassy Beauty Spot, and great to be in familiar company tonight at the shelter with Ichabod, Rex, Rumbler, Wolfcookie, Dances with Wolfcookie, and Footloose. Forecast is for days of rain, but still didn't get any today—the amazing luck continues. Celebrated my 1-month trail anniversary today, and chatting with some real cute girls out day hiking on the trail was my present!