Date: 4/9/04
Starting Location: Erwin, TN
Destination: Erwin, TN
Miles: 0
Total Miles: 347.7
Well, so much for that plan. Loaded my pack in Miss Janet's shuttle to head back to the trail this morning, but the shuttle left without me. So, I'm stuck here for another day off in sunshine while pack rides around in the "Banana Boat" van for the day. Disappointed about missing the shuttle but it was very serendipitous in the end. Got to see my old friends Semicolon and Slick and have dinner with them, as well as catch up with Footloose, and Gaia & Sasquatch.
Had a blast tonight in Johnson City with Nunn, Wounded Knee, Hoss and Honeypie—not sure if I've ever laughed that much in my life. I'll miss these guys when I head out tomorrow and I hope I catch them somewhere up the trail soon for some more good times.