Date: 7/21/04
Starting Location: Greenleaf Hut
Destination: Galehead Hut
Miles: 6.6
Total Miles: 1823.2
Beautiful sunshine for a second straight day—totally unexpected weather for here in the Whites. It was also very hot, owing mainly to all the continually exposed trail in bright sunshine, and more ups and downs on very rough terrain. Walk On, Waldo and I walked together again and took our time getting to Galehead Hut where Waldo moved on and Walk On and I decided to stay. All of the work-for-stay spots were already taken but the hutmaster Kyle was super nice in telling us were we could find a great stealth camping site just a minute up the trail, and also inviting us to come and eat dinner leftovers with the crew anyway. A great spot to tent, good eating, and nice to relax without having to work before turning in.