Date: 7/22/04
Starting Location: Galehead Hut
Destination: Crawford Notch
Miles: 14.7
Total Miles: 1837.9

Much easier hiking today under even more blue sky. I can't get over my luck with the weather so far in the Whites. Walk On and I spent some time at Zealand Falls Hut having lunch and soaking in the falls (very cold) before trucking on to another break at scenic Ethan Pond. The pond was about as picturesque as they come, especially on a day where the reflection of the aging day and the clouds in the sky were so perfectly mirrored in the water's surface.
After our break at the pond, the two of us moved a few miles further down the trail to the bottom of Crawford Notch and a stealth campsite here on the bank of the Saco River. I'm really exhausted from all that sun today even though the trail was much easier on the legs than the past few. Shouldn't have any trouble sleeping after a nice dinner on the bridge over the river.