Date: 6/28/04
Starting Location: US 7
Destination: Shaker Campsite
Miles: 17.6
Total Miles: 1532.8
Massachusetts? Ha! More like Mosquito-chusetts. The little buzzers are out in full f$@#ing force! I got eaten alive today after a late noontime start and a nice breakfast at Martin's with Lucky Star and Footloose. Oh, and if I neglected to mention it, this is the final leg of the Triple Crown for the ageless Lucky Star, who also happened to be dragged through the forest by a black bear while sleeping in her bivy sack back in Pennsylvania. Yeah, you guessed it, she rocks.
I arrived at a campsite here about a pint low only to find the skeeters swarming yet again. Here alone for the first time in a while, having parted with my buddy Footloose to make it to Williamstown, MA before getting off for the wedding this weekend. I can't wait to catch him and Lucky Star again in Vermont when I get back on the trail after the wedding!