Date: 6/27/04
Starting Location: Brassie Brook Lean-to
Destination: US 7
Miles: 16.8
Total Miles: 1515.2
Perfectly comfortable hiking day, and I began to feel much stronger again after being a bit weary for almost a week through NY and CT. I think seeing our friend Northern Harrier leave the trail made me take these last few days a bit easier. The shorter miles, heavy town eating, and a much larger food bag in my pack perhaps have helped me regain a bit of my strength. My legs felt back to normal for a change.
Today, I crossed into Massachusetts, my 11th state, and also passed the 1500-mile marker. I can't believe Vermont is so close! Wonderful views all day today from rock vistas, some even looking ahead to Mt. Greylock in the north and all surverying much of the Berkshires and Massachusetts lakes and streams in the surrounding countryside. Sages Ravine near the CT/MA border was definitely one of the highlights of the entire trail—an endless string of little waterfalls right next to the trail.
I'm spending the night tonight in the town of Great Barrington with Lucky Star and Footloose. Great company, no mosquitoes, and no running around town on errands; just an early night, a shower, and pizza in front of the television.