Date: 6/21/16
Miles: 5.7
Total Miles: 878.7
Today was a short story of a near-o to the shore of Lake Edison, where we caught a "ferry" in a small fishing boat to Vermilion Valley "Resort" across the lake.

Upon reaching the lake, we were pleasantly surprised to find the boat waiting for us an hour earlier than expected. A 15-minute ride across the glassy calm of the reservoir had us sitting down to breakfast at VVR, the perfect start to a day of relaxation.
VVR is hardly the image you might conjure in your mind when you think of a lakeside resort. A patchwork collection of tent cabins, cabins, campsites, and RV awnings tucked among the pines, it's actually a very pleasant place to burn the hours of the day. The beating heart of this remote little getaway is the small general store and adjoining restaurant, the latter of which being the real prize for throngs of starving hikers. Top it off with a free beer for every PCT thru-hiker and no wonder this is a popular trail destination. Besides, how often can you say you took a boat ride on a thru-hike?
My stomach has now become a bottomless pit. Stuffing my face all day long in an attempt to make a dent in at least some of the daily calorie deficit I've been running didn't remotely slake my hunger. Between feedings, I had time to find the one spot near the lake with enough service to call Emily and still be disconnected three times. Frustrating, but it's surprising how freeing the lack of Internet access can be on rest days—the temptation to surf the news, read email, or mindlessly troll Facebook or Instagram is completely removed. It also frees up time to repair yet another hole in the air mattress that prevented you from sleeping the night before. Yes, this is becoming a problem.