Date: 8/1/16
Miles: 27.1
Total Miles: 1576.5
The calendar turned another page today, and it's hard for me to believe that August is already here. Hearkening back to the summers of my childhood, August always felt like the beginning of the end, the start of a new school year drawing all too near. Although it means that summer has nearly run half its course, for me it still feels as though there is still so much trail left to be hiked.
As Gazelle and I ticked off the miles of a second consecutive marathon day, I thought back on all the varied ways in which the PCT is marked. Unlike the Appalachian Trail and its historic and iconic white blazes marking its course from Georgia to Maine, the PCT is a comparatively new trail without a consistent set of markings to designate it from the many side trails that intersect it. The trail itself is almost always unmistakable, with the exception of a few unsigned intersections or when it's buried under snow, but "official" trail markers are amusingly absent or very inconsistent. To me, it's part of this trail's charm: still finding its way in its comparative youth. With that in mind, here's a sampling of the some of the disparate trail markers I've seen along the way..