Date: 9/6/16
Miles: 15.4
Total Miles: 2292.4
The clouds that had drifted back and forth across the Knife's Edge yesterday decided to settle in for a longer stay last night and the familiar patter of raindrops was again my lullaby. I woke up hoping that the weather system had blown through to reveal the sun again but it was pretty clear that wish wouldn't be coming true anytime soon. Only rain and a light wind filled the air.
Despite the 40-degree wet weather, knowing that the day's end would have us dry and warm at the next resupply in White Pass made the now-familiar process of hiking while wet all the more tolerable. How lucky we had been even to have the marginal weather we did a day earlier in crossing the high country of the Goat Rocks Wilderness. Safety aside, missing out on the views from that stretch of trail would have been a bitter pill to swallow.
The remainder of the morning passed without incident, and we made it to the highway at White Pass under a sky that was slowly yielding to small patches of blue. The temperatures may be cool from here to Canada, but the weather forecast looks to gradually be improving over the next few days. Wet or dry, the northbound march continues on. Who knew that summer ended at the Oregon/Washington border?