Date: 7/23/04
Starting Location: Crawford Notch
Destination: Lakes of the Clouds Hut
Miles: 11.2
Total Miles: 1849.1
Well, my good luck with the weather in the Whites has apparently met its end. Walk On and I ascended the unrelentingly steep climb from Crawford Notch to Mt. Webster and up into the clouds near Mizpah Springs Hut and the start of the Presidential Range. Had a great lunch at Mizpah out of the weather with a bottomless bowl of soup and all-you-can-eat brownies, all for the grand total of $3. Without a doubt, that's pretty much a thru-hiker's dream come true!
The two of us moved on a few more miles over the exposed Presidentials through persistent but light rain and thick fog to the hut here which is absolutely packed with day-hikers and weekenders all willing to pay the $75 freight.....all 90+ of them. Fortunately, we had no problem getting work-for-stay spots, washing dishes immediately upon arrival. Given the weather, it's a nice day to kill inside here out of the cloud and chill, nestled just above 5000' on the doorstep of the summit of Mt. Washington just 1.5 miles away. It's a bit overwhelming to be packed in with so many people, but this is a great spot—just wish I had the view.